This month in April 2022’s XBIZ Magazine Issue, you’ll find the founder of on the cover of the magazine with a full spread feature inside;

“ Founder Juicy jay Discusses Art of Buying, Selling Adult Properties”

“Over 23 years ago, Juicy Jay started in the adult industry as an affiliate marketer. He dropped out of college to focus full-time on his burgeoning career, then leveraged a $300 website acquisition into a million-dollar business. As a self-taught programmer, Jay soon founded JuicyAds in 2006, building the advertising platform from the ground up to now handle more than a billion ad impressions daily. Since then, he has founded a marketing, strategy and consulting girm for top adult B2B brands, spent the last three years in venture capital as an angel investor building up his portfolio of startups and, most recently, launched the business brokerage.”

You can read the full article here;