Stop dragging your feet and step up your game!
Foot fetishes are among the most common sexual interests categorized under paraphilias. Research suggests that foot fetishes, also known as podophilia, are one of the most prevalent forms of fetishism worldwide, often appearing in studies of human sexual behavior. This interest might stem from the neural proximity of the areas in the brain that process sensory information from feet and genitals or from cultural and personal experiences. The popularity of foot fetishes is evident in mainstream media, social platforms, and niche markets, including specialized photography, videos, and products like shoes or socks catering to this interest. While society’s openness to discussing such preferences varies, the visibility of foot fetishes has grown with the rise of the internet, enabling communities to connect and normalize this preference.
Step into success and sock away the profits with this growing and popular marketplace and subscription platform specifically designed to cater to the unique interests of the foot fetish community. With more than 50,000 registered users, the site is a preferred destination to competitors like OnlyFans since it makes to explore and discover new models. Creators love the opportunity to sell their photos to an audience already concentrated in the specific niche. Over 300,000 high quality images already generate over $40,000 monthly ($24,000+ monthly profit) and offer limitless possibility for growth. Expanding language options and ramping up marketing efforts are clear and straightforward opportunities.
Due to the softcore nature of the images (ie. non-pornographic), the owners have been able to draw traffic from mainstream advertising providers. Currently the site has around 1,500 monthly subscribers and is operating with minimal time and resources, only about 12 hours per week. The largest expenses being marketing, customer service and payments to the creators.
This is an exclusive private listing. We have protected the seller’s websites from public disclosure. is the exclusive agent for the sale of this property, and all communication must be via our adult website brokerage. To learn more about this property, please SignUp for an Account Here and Contact Us to request the Prospectus, ask any Questions, or to make a Purchase Offer.
Key Features
Why is it being Sold?
The current owners have another property they would like to be able to dedicate more time and resources to.
What is included in the sale?
Revenues and Expenses
Please Sign Up and then Contact Us for additional detail and more up to date financials.
Tech Stack & Infrastructure
This is a WordPress site integrated with WooCommerce. Additional detail is available.
Got Questions? We have answers.
Yes, more details are available for all websites for sale.
If you have any questions regarding the property that is not answered here, please Contact Us to ask your questions, setup a meeting, or make an offer.
You must SignUp for a account to access confidential documents (financials, traffic, etc) and details that identify the property for sale.