Secret Dating Hookup Community

Price $166,250.00

This secret hookup and dating community website drives massive dating signups

  Site Information

  • Listed on February 8, 2024
  • Date Registered: December 31, 2010
  • Registrar:
  • Monetization Methods:
  • Platform: Custom Code


Since launching their first website in 2010, this online sex community has grown into a traffic powerhouse with amazing profit margins. For over a decade, this hookup site has been generating revenue, all with just one affiliate program. In 2022, the business made $61,888, followed by $65K+ in 2023. The only expenses they incurred are hosting ($150 per month) and domain renewals. Everything is maintained by the owner who works only 15 minutes per day to keep things running smoothly.

This business benefits from having large amounts of organic, tier 1 traffic. They receive 54,794 daily pageviews and have 6,865 daily users. The users are highly engaged at a rate of 74.67% and averaging 1:48 engagement time. Traffic to the website is growing and the top geos bringing visitors are United States (59.8%), Australia (14.6%) and United Kingdom (9.49%).

This is an exclusive private listing. We have protected the seller’s websites from public disclosure. is the exclusive agent for the sale of this property, and all communication must be via our adult website brokerage. To learn more about this property, please SignUp for an Account Here and Contact Us to request the Prospectus, ask any Questions, or to make a Purchase Offer.


Key Features

  • 2.5x Multiple (Profit to Asking Price)
  • 366,106 validated emails from members
  • 15 minutes per day to maintain
  • Only working with 1 affiliate program in 10+ years
  • Massive traffic from tier 1 countries
  • Steadily increasing payments over last 3 years
  • Extremely high profit margins


Why is it being Sold?

Seller is retiring from the adult industry to spend more time with family.


What is included in the sale?

  • Domains
  • Websites
  • Hosting account can be transferred
  • Knowledge Transfer (training and teaching how everything works)


Revenues and Expenses


  • 2023 (ending Nov 2023) $60,967.76
  • 2023 (projected) $66,510.28
  • 2022 $61,888.71
  • 2021 $45,529.88



The primary expenses for the website is hosting at $1,800 per year and domain renewals.

Please Sign Up and then Contact Us for additional detail and more up to date financials.



Web Traffic

  • 6,865 daily users (1 year daily average)
  • 54,794 daily pageviews (1 year daily average)
  • 93.9 is Organic Search Traffic
  • Top 3 Countries are United States (59.8%), Australia (14.6%) and United Kingdom (9.49%)
  • Traffic trend is Up and Growing
  • 74.67% Engagement Rate
  • 1:48 average engagement time


Additional detail and screencaps are available.



Tech Stack & Infrastructure

The website is custom coded by the owner in PHP and uses MySQL and MariaDB databases. The entire operation is hosted on 1 cloud server at Liquid Web in the central US.


Additional detail is available.

Got Questions? We have answers.

Yes, more details are available for all websites for sale.

If you have any questions regarding the property that is not answered here, please Contact Us to ask your questions.


Access Financials, Traffic Detail, and Prospectuses

You must SignUp for a account to receive access to confidential documents and details that identify the property for sale.


Want to Make an Offer?

Contact Us if you are interested in purchasing or want to setup a meeting.


sold graphic

*Public asking price. Actual sale price is subject to non-disclosure.