High Profit Webcam Business

Price $606,000.00

2021 Projected Profits $225k EBITA

Apartment with People

  Site Information

  • Listed on December 15, 2021
  • Date Registered: December 1, 2016
  • Registrar: NameCheap
  • Monetization Methods: Direct Sales
  • Platform: Custom


This high profit webcam business is a voyeuristic hidden camera site which offers live cams, past recordings, and a gallery of select recorded moments. Viewers can browse apartments and view couples having sex on screen from a fixed point of view. Content is purposefully raw and unedited, lending to its authenticity. Cams run 24/7, so there is always something for paying customers to tune into.

$225,000 in profits projected for 2021. Steady and consistent traffic for many years. This is a stable and profitable business primed for acquisition.

The cam industry is increasingly popular, as porn consumers crave content that is authentic and homegrown rather than over-produced in a professional studio. Many cam sites feature bedroom sets, though cam backgrounds that appear to be real and lived-in fair well with viewers due to their sincerity—watchers can relate and are turned on by the idea of the acts they are viewing happening in their own homes.

Interest in cam sites overlaps with consumer interest in amateur and voyeur porn categories. Beyond these labels, any category of porn can be applied to cam-style content, making the business structure versatile and sustainable. Running a cam site can also be done remotely, with no central location necessary.

All revenue for this property is generated directly via paywall, with 60% coming from rebills and 40% from new sign-ups. Currently, no forms of advertising are used—contributing to a lower overhead.

Cam content is all owned, licensed, 100% exclusive, and is uploaded automatically via feed, lowering overall site maintenance hours. Cam apartment locations are owned and operated by the talent, so no leasing is involved on behalf of the business.

This is an exclusive private listing. We have protected the seller’s websites from public disclosure. is the exclusive agent for the sale of this property, and all communication must be via our adult website brokerage. To learn more about this property, please SignUp for an Account Here and Contact Us to request the Prospectus, ask any Questions, or to make a Purchase Offer.


Key Features

  • Steady consistent revenues
  • 34,000+ customers
  • 100% exclusive content, automatically-uploaded
  • Debt-free business, no outstanding legal issues
  • Zero data breaches
  • Sensitive data is stored according to industry standards
  • No DMCA requests


Why is it being Sold?

The original team is selling the business to fund an upcoming project.


What is included in the sale?

  • EU trademark
  • Main paysite domain, 6 marketing domains.
  • 7 Websites (1 paysite, 6 marketing web sites)
  • 250 original videos (in addition to all live feeds)
  • 34,000+ current users, 650+ paying customers
  • Seychelles-based entity (not subject to VAT)
  • Knowledge transfer from previous owner
  • A list of key contacts, vendors, suppliers, customers, and advertisers


Revenues and Expenses

  • 2021 Jan-Oct Gross Revenue: $240,808.44 USD – Profits : $188,748.165 USD
  • 2020 Gross Revenue: $313,339.09 USD – Profits: $250,866.76 USD
  • 2019 Gross Revenue: $312,410.53 USD – Profits: $249,938.2 USD
  • 2018 Gross Revenue: $250,357.75 USD – Profits: $187,885.45 USD

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Approximately 40,000+ Users per day

74% Organic Search traffic

Top Geos: US 15%, France 15%, Germany 9%, Italy 7%, United Kingdom 5%

150,000+ Visits per day with 4:30+ average time on website.

Please Sign Up and then contact us for additional detail (screencaps are available).


Tech Stack & Infrastucture

  • Website custom-coded in PHP and Javascript
  • MySQL database structure
  • OVH web hosting
  • 4 total servers (3 streaming, 1 website)
  • Verotel card payment processing
  • BitSafe banking

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As value-added, here is what is being offered with the listing

  • The website network may be transferred to MojoHost at no additional charge (will make the transfer seamless and you don’t have to do anything). Our referral link is included:
  • A $1,000 advertising credit will be provided by JuicyAds to get traffic flowing to the websites once purchased and transferred. (As you may read on our About page, JuicyAds shares ownership with Affiliate Link:


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Just click “Buy Now” on this listing and Contact Us if you are interested!

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sold graphic

*Public asking price. Actual sale price is subject to non-disclosure.