SOLD BongaCams Whitelabel

Price $19,950.00

Highly brandable domain with associated BongaCash whitelabel

Beautiful young woman on webcam

  Site Information

  • Listed on March 5, 2024
  • Date Registered: March 16, 2020
  • Registrar: GoDaddy
  • Monetization Methods: Direct Sales
  • Platform: BongaCash


Want to get into a turnkey webcam business? Give webcam whitelabels a try!

Launched in March 2020, is a BongaCams whitelabel, provided by BongaCash. It operates on a high value one-word .xyz domain that is easy to remember and  highly brandable. The business is turn-key, and will generate revenues indefinitely. New members continue to signup daily even though outside traffic has been turned off. The domain has significant value on its own beyond the revenues and profits.

The property comes with additional domains including,,,,

This is an exclusive public listing. We have provided the details of the property but protected additional details from public disclosure. is the exclusive agent for the sale of this property, and all communication must be via our adult website brokerage. To learn more about this property, please SignUp for an Account Here and Contact Us to request the Prospectus, ask any Questions, or to make a Purchase Offer.


Key Features

  • 2.0x Multiple (Profit to Asking Price, 2024 YTD)
  • Turn-key business model


Why is it being Sold?

Seller has multiple webcam whitelabels and has identified some that they want to sell to focus on the remaining portfolio.


What’s included?

  • domain
  • 5 Additional related .xyz domains
  • Brand
  • Logo
  • Marketing Materials
  • BongaCash affiliate account


Third-Party Metrics | March 1, 2024


  • Domain Rating: 25
  • Backlinks 1k (13% dofollow)
  • Linking websites: 145 (11% dofollow)

  • No data.



Prior to November 2023, the whitelabel was fueled primarily with remnant traffic, focused on CPA revenues. The total revenues generated by the whitelabels were significantly higher than listed, but only the sustainable Revshare revenues are listed in the financials, since CPA earnings will not recur.


All advertising spend was discontinued in February 2024. Members will continue to spend money on webcams indefinitely and they often have multi-year long-tail spending. The new owner can re-start media buying at any time. Other than buying traffic, nothing has been done to boost the whitelabel or domain. That means potential upside for SEO efforts, prelanders, articles, and so on.


Financials 2024

  • Feb 2024:
    • $1,018.01 Commissions
    • $0.00 Advertising Spend.
  • Jan 2024:
    • $1,013.81 Commissions
    • $426.44 Advertising Spend


Financials 2023

  • Total
    • $6,285.95 Profit
    • $14,439.17 Commissions
    • $8,153.22 Advertising Spend
  • Dec 2023
    • $1,247.05 Commissions
    • $916.92 Advertising Spend
  • Nov 2023
    • $1,214.73 Commissions
    • $247.16 Advertising Spend
  • Oct 2023
    • $1,149.82 Commissions
    • $833.49 Advertising Spend
  • Sept 2023
    • $1,361.99 Commissions
    • $578.65 Advertising Spend
  • Aug 2023
    • $1,737.62 Commissions
    • $760.30 Advertising Spend
  • July 2023
    • $1,352.93 Commissions
    • $447.36 Advertising Spend
  • June 2023
    • $842.04 Commissions
    • $359.20 Advertising Spend
  • May 2023
    • $1,295.56 Commissions
    • $257.91 Advertising Spend
  • April 2023
    • $1,428.01 Commissions
    • $500.59 Advertising Spend
  • March 2023
    • $722.02 Commissions
    • $1,155.93 Advertising Spend
  • February 2023
    • $785.56 Commissions
    • $1,102.17 Advertising Spend
  • January 2023
    • $1,301.84 Commissions
    • $993.54 Advertising Spend


Full statistics directly from BongaCash is available.


Web Traffic

Traffic data is available directly from BongaCash upon request. Google Analytics has been added to the property for third-party metrics and is also available upon request.


Tech Stack & Infrastructure

All technology and hosting is provided by the whitelabel provider, BongaCams.

Got Questions? We have answers.

Yes, more details are available for all websites for sale.

If you have any questions regarding the property that is not answered here, please Contact Us to ask your questions.


Access Financials, Traffic Detail, and Prospectuses

You must SignUp for a account to receive access to confidential documents and details that identify the property for sale.


Want to Make an Offer?

Contact Us if you are interested in purchasing or want to setup a meeting.


sold graphic

*Public asking price. Actual sale price is subject to non-disclosure.