Twenty years ago, I was fresh out of high school, living in my first apartment, and almost broke. That’s when I spent my last $300 on acquiring a small website. I had hopes and dreams of making $1,000 per month, but it was not going well at the start. I knew...
For the cost of 2 cups of coffee, one man half a world away held a $25 million empire hostage. There is an alarming amount of domain abuse and cybersquatting originating from the country of India. The good guys are winning, but the bad guys are making it expensive and...
Since my first website negotiation back in 2001, I’ve seen Buyers and Sellers make all sorts of different mistakes. These are what I call the “Deadly Sins of Selling Your Website,” and it’s exactly why you should hire a Broker to handle your...
Twenty years ago, I was fresh out of high school, living in my first apartment, and almost broke. That’s when I spent my last $300 on acquiring a small website. I had hopes and dreams of making $1,000 per month, but it was not going well at the start. I knew...
When it comes to the three different types of properties we sell at — businesses, websites, and domains, it is domains that are the hardest to sell because they are almost entirely all unrealized “potential.” However, you cannot sell a...