When it comes to the three different types of properties we sell at Broker.xxx — businesses, websites, and domains, it is domains that are the hardest to sell because they are almost entirely all unrealized “potential.” However, you cannot sell a business on “potential” alone, and I’ve run into this many times since I started buying and selling properties back in 2001 and during my investing and venture capital experiences.

Most people think there are such things as a “million-dollar idea,” so they try to protect them with non-disclosures and the like, building a secret project without anyone knowing about it. They safeguard their idea while they try to find someone who wants to invest or buy it. The thing about ideas is everyone has them, and acquirers don’t want to buy ideas or even the project you’ve built (nor do they want to steal them). You’ve heard of investors investing in people — what they are investing in is execution. That’s why a functioning business priced appropriately (based on that brilliant idea of yours) is worth something, whereas the idea alone, or that big ball of software you just paid to have developed — is not.

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Check this out: https://www.xbiz.com/pub/xbizworld/2021-09/index.html?page=38