Adult Casual Dating Paysite For Sale

Price $45,000.00

Dating website with average monthly profits of $1,800

Adult Dating

  Site Information

  • Listed on June 27, 2024
  • Date Registered: January 1, 2010
  • Registrar: Moniker
  • Monetization Methods: Direct Sales
  • Platform: Custom


This business is a niche dating website that caters to casual dating, sugar daddy dating, international dating, sexting, and chatting. The company has been active for over 14 years and is currently maintained by only two people. In 2023, the business generated $89,061 in total revenue and over $21,000 in gross profits. The websites benefit from pay for play features, which ensures the highest lifetime value for each customer.

The website has been mostly on autopilot for several years and is ripe for revitalization. There are many efficiencies that can improve profits. The website has no cross-sales, upsells (webcams, sex toys, other products) and is advertising-free.

This is an exclusive private listing. We have protected the seller’s websites from public disclosure. is the exclusive agent for the sale of this property, and all communication must be via our adult website brokerage. To learn more about this property, please SignUp for an Account Here and Contact Us to request the Prospectus, ask any Questions, or to make a Purchase Offer.

Key Features

  • 2.08x Multiple (2023 Profit to Asking Price)
  • 111,593+ registered dating users total (Double Opt-ins)
  • Affiliate program list of 500+ affiliates
  • 14+ years in business


Why is it being Sold?

The Seller needs to liquidate the business.



What is included in the sale?

  • Domains
  • Websites
  • Social Media Accounts
  • Knowledge Transfer (training and teaching how everything works)


Revenues and Expenses



  • Total Revenue: $89,061
  • Operating Expenses: $58,783
  • Net Profit: $21,611



  • Total Revenue: $82,345
  • Operating Expenses: $51,417
  • Net Profit: $24,835



  • Total Revenue: $98,345
  • Operating Expenses: $45,246
  • Net Profit: $47,796


Tech Stack & Infrastructure

The websites are custom coded using LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP). They use Cloudfare for the CDN and are hosting at RackSpace.


Got Questions? We have answers.

Yes, more details are available for all websites for sale.

If you have any questions regarding the property that is not answered here, please Contact Us to ask your questions.


Access Financials, Traffic Detail, and Prospectuses

You must SignUp for a account to receive access to confidential documents and details that identify the property for sale.


Want to Make an Offer?

Contact Us if you are interested in purchasing or want to setup a meeting.


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