Voyeur and Hidden Cams Adult Starter Package

Price $2,950.00

Got big dreams but a small budget? This listing is for you!

  Site Information

  • Listed on May 14, 2024
  • Date Registered: January 1, 2023
  • Registrar: GoDaddy, MojoHost
  • Monetization Methods: Direct Sales
  • Platform: Whitelabels


This is a listing perfect for someone looking to get started in the adult industry who has a small budget but big dreams. The websites are voyeur/hidden camera themed and in addition, there is a small voyeur tube website helping to drive traffic and signups to the whitelabels. The key feature of this listing is the fire sale low multiple based on the average profits for 2024 so far, which is significantly lower than the value of the individual assets.


The package includes a collection of whitelabels, some domains, and passive-earning revshare affiliate accounts from various programs:

  • Chaturbate
  • LabelDollars
  • Redlight Center


This is an exclusive transparent public listing. We have provided all details including revenue for this property. is the exclusive agent for the sale of this property and all communications and purchase with the Seller must occur through our adult website brokerage. To learn more about this property, please SignUp for an Account Here and Contact Us to request the Prospectus, ask any Questions, or to make a Purchase Offer.


Chaturbate is a leading (and very famous) webcam platform. Affiliates earn revenues by promoting their own branded “whitelabels” built on the company’s infrastructure. These whitelabels for sale were setup in December 2023 and traffic has been used to accelerate and populate them to 1,070+ members, and $1,348+ in revenues.

The whitelabels will come with advertising campaigns ready to go at JuicyAds, which can be spun-up if desired by the Buyer. These are currently inactive but will be populated with a tested blacklist.

Included in the sale are the following whitelabels;


Affiliate Revenues by Month;

Average monthly earnings (last 3 months) $407.29 USD = Projected annual payouts $4,887.52 USD.

  • Jul 2024: $373.69
  • Jun 2024: $357.28
  • May 2024: $490.91
  • Apr 2024: $112.78
  • Mar 2024: $16.00


LabelDollars is a program that provides whitelabels for different applications including dating, tubes, and gaming.

There are earnings in the account of $107.20 for the year (ending April 18, 2024) but traffic is very low and some whitelabels have been removed that may have generated some revenues. The Buyer should assume that the current revenues are $0. There is $118.52 earned in the account. Package includes banners for promotion of Simulation(s).xxx as provided by the program.

Domains that are setup and have live whitelabels include:

  • (Tube website whitelabel)
  • (Tube website whitelabel)
  • (Dating website whitelabel)
  • (Dating website whitelabel)
  • (Games whitelabel)
  • (Games whitelabel)
  • (Games whitelabel)

RedLightCenter is an affiliate program for the virtual world. The platform was promoted exclusively with traffic from JuicyAds, but traffic was ended several years ago. The account contains 30,487 signups and $10,114.49 in lifetime earnings (and still counting).

Affiliate Profits by Year:

  • 2023 Profits $454.42 USD
  • 2022 Profits $262.45 USD
  • 2021 Profits $529.36 USD
  • 2020 Profits $804.54 USD
  • 2019 Profits $471.13 USD
  • 2018 Profits $665.10 USD
  • 2017 Profits $1,398.01 USD
  • 2016 Profits $1,168.16 USD
  • 2015 Profits $2,237.01 USD
  • 2014 Profits $2,004.31 USD
  • 2013 Profits $30.00 USD

Got Questions? We have answers.

Yes, more details are available for all websites for sale.

If you have any questions regarding the property that is not answered here, please Contact Us to ask your questions, setup a meeting, or make an offer.

You must SignUp for a account to access confidential documents (financials, traffic, etc) and details that identify the property for sale.


sold graphic

*Public asking price. Actual sale price is subject to non-disclosure.